The Habit App

by Amimetic


not available

"Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it. If you can't control it, you can't improve it." - H. James HarringtonThe Habit App provides a minimalistic, super-easy way to keep track of your habits. By tracking your habits, you can better understand your current limits as well as what things hinder or help you achieve them. The data itself can provide additional motivation to not break your current streak, to break your current record, or to make sure you are hitting your average.
I used to use a separate timer and tracking app for my meditation sessions. Although it didn't take a ton of work to write the time into the tracking app, I couldn't use my timer for other things (pizza), and though small, the extra work of transferring the timer data to the tracking app made it less likely for me to do my habits. I created The Habit App to simplify and streamline the whole process so that tracking habits takes as little effort while still being as beneficial as possible.
Currently, there are three habit types to choose from: Yes/No (Did I floss today?), Counter (How many pushups did I do today?), and Timers (How long did I meditate today?). Each habit type tracks a set of stats which can be viewed by clicking on the habit's header.
I'm planning on adding many other features to the app in the future, such as: reminders, goals, alternative habits, pretty graphs, etc.
Please feel free to let me know what you think!
Happy Tracking :)